
Our History

    Jioude Village, formerly known as JiouJhangli, is a village developed later as a satellite community to Taichung City.  In order to ease theincreasing number of student of Ciaoren Elementary, Wujih Elementary School was authorized to expropriate land for the school and plan for school construction.

    In February of 1992, the construction of school buildings for the first stage was contracted out by Ciaoren Elementary School, and construction of school buildings was complete in April of 1995.。

On August, 1st, 1992, Jioude Elementary was officially to be established on August 1st, 1993, and it  began to recruit students.

    The first principal Fang, Tian-You devoted himself to the overall campus design and the expansion of the school teaching facilities.   Then, his successors - Principal s Jiang, Jin-Chuan and Liu, Ji-Ying took over the task and continued to join forces with others to work hard with the new century’s education which founds on perfect balance of 5 virtues.